Baby Molly And Mommy

Molly2-3Here is a picture of baby Molly lying on Lauren’s shoulder for a burping. At this age they pretty much spend their whole days and nights eating and sleeping in 2 hour cycles. That said there seems to be an unlimited volume of clothes to wash, diapers to change and nursery items to assemble. I’d like to have done a newborn photo shoot with her but the last 2 weeks flew by in a sleepless blur.

I’m not a fan of setting up photo shoots, I find them awkward and forced, not from the subjects perspective but from my own. I much prefer to shoot candids which is probably just the lazy photographers answer to not wanting to learn how to set up a home studio and off camera flash. I should force myself.

I’m Here

Our baby girl was born yesterday. It was a c-section and I was allowed to bring my camera into the operating theatre but wasn’t allowed to move off the stool that I was sitting on beside my wife. Don’t get me wrong, the doctors and nurses were great and took my camera to take some up newborn baby close up shots but I won’t post those because while I own them I didn’t actually take them.

I did manage to get some shots of my own after she was born and this one from when they were cleaning and checking her stood out to me. It was as if she was putting her hand up to say “I’m Here”.

I didn’t take that many shots, the birth if your first child isn’t something you should watch through a viewfinder. The camera was with me but only came up to my eye when it wouldn’t interrupt real life.

Mom and baby are doing fine, Dad however is more of a wreck 😉


Snow-1Newfoundland got hit hard over the last couple of days by a blizzard. The whole of Canada has been hit by arctic air and temperatures. To add to our problems the power went out to the whole island, it was already on rolling blackouts before the storm.

Before digging out my own driveway I went for a walk to see what others in the area were up to and grabbed a few shots, though taking my 60D out in snow storm is not a good idea so I didn’t stay out long.


Quidi Vidi Winter

quidividiWe are having a record breaking amounts of snow for a December and the city has turned into a winter wonderland. It should be a great period for photographs but we’ve actually had so many storms that I haven’t had a chance to go out with my main camera. That said I was out at the Quidi Vidi dog park over the weekend and had my iPhone with me. The lake is frozen over and the whole place was covered in relatively fresh and undisturbed snow. I took a pano with the phone and used snapseed to convert it to black and white.


Harbour Hydrant

HarbourHydrant-1I let posting images to my blog slip a little but in fact I have been out a few times over the last month taking photos so I really have no excuse. Here is one from a trip down town a few weeks ago. There is a tiny part of the harbour that you can get to that is all run down and abandoned. I was there last year and decided that I’d have a look around there again. This time I noticed this old fire hydrant with Signal Hill in the background and some nice autumnal light hitting it so I crouched down to take some photos. I later learned that apparently that’s around the spot where the city sewage goes into the harbour so maybe I won’t be doing a return visit. Though there was no smell so maybe it’s just a local myth.