» Baby » I’m Here

I’m Here

Our baby girl was born yesterday. It was a c-section and I was allowed to bring my camera into the operating theatre but wasn’t allowed to move off the stool that I was sitting on beside my wife. Don’t get me wrong, the doctors and nurses were great and took my camera to take some up newborn baby close up shots but I won’t post those because while I own them I didn’t actually take them.

I did manage to get some shots of my own after she was born and this one from when they were cleaning and checking her stood out to me. It was as if she was putting her hand up to say “I’m Here”.

I didn’t take that many shots, the birth if your first child isn’t something you should watch through a viewfinder. The camera was with me but only came up to my eye when it wouldn’t interrupt real life.

Mom and baby are doing fine, Dad however is more of a wreck 😉

2 thoughts on “I’m Here

  1. I found your website after my daughter and her family moved to Clarenville from the U.S. a couple of months ago. New Foundland is beautiful and your photos are absolutely amazing! It is always difficult when family lives far away, but your photos bring me a sense of comfort. I’m looking forward to your future posts.

    Thank you….Linda

  2. Hi Linda, Thanks for your praise, I’m glad you like my photos and they print you comfort. I myself am a newcomer to Newfoundland, my wife is from here and I’m from Ireland and I have to say it is a great place. The people are very nice, the landscape is beautiful, it feels so much safer and relaxed than anywhere else I’ve been (the weather may be a little strange to my neither too hot or to cold Irish blood but I’ll get used to that 😉 )

    Thanks and I’ll keep the posts coming.

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