» 52 Project » 52 Project – Week 5 – Landscape – Black and White

52 Project – Week 5 – Landscape – Black and White

Week 5 is “Landscape: Black and White”

This week I had to take a Black and White landscape, I decided I’d take a wide angle photo of the statue of the Gaspar Corte-Real, the Portuguese explorer, with Signal Hill in the background.

It may not the traditional landscape to have a statue in the foreground but I wanted to try something a little different. By putting the statue to the left of the frame three quarters of the rest of the frame are a landscape and Corte-Real is looking over the island he is believed to have sailed to before the more famous John Cabot.

We drive past this statue every day and initially I thought it was a statue of Eric the Red, a Viking who according to the Sagas may have discovered Newfoundland. Molly still calls him “The Viking”.