» iPhone » 10-10-10 10:10

10-10-10 10:10

I had great plans to take part in Open House Dublin this weekend but a touch of the winter vomiting bug put paid to my adventures. Fortunately this morning was 10 October 2010 and I was well enough to go out and try to find a photo to mark 10-10-10 10:10. In fairness I could have probably gone out on other days as well but the stuff on the ground might not have been as pretty…

Our Indian Summer forcast last week does not appear to have arrived and some over night wind knocked an abundance of leaves off the trees around my apartment. I snapped a quick photo, made it my iPhone wall paper and then put the iPhone onto the pile leaaves the took a few snaps at 10:10. I then took some with the iPhone itself to tweet and suddenly the minute was gone. Next year it’ll be 11-11-11, a Friday and also Remembrance Day so maybe I can plan something better.