» Peoples Photography » House on the Hill

House on the Hill

This photograph has acquired the name the House on the Hill simply through usage. Anytime I want to discuss it with people that is the name we use and everyone knows which one we are talking about. The hill in the title is actually a cliff if you examine the photograph. The photograph was taken in Trinity town on the Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada, the house sits on a little cliff overlooking the bay. I’d been to the town in previous years and I’d even taken photographs of the house before but as anyone who has been to Newfoundland knows fog or rain seem to make it into every photograph, a bit like Ireland really. This year when we visited Trinity the weather was perfect and I finally managed to get a shot of the house that  I liked.

I love the Newfoundland landscape and the Newfoundland buildings. Brightly painted wooden houses, docks and churches seem to dot the landscape but they frequently have a timeless old world charm. Trinity is a prime example of an old Newfoundland community. Maybe it is a little too well preserved at times and maybe a little too touristy but it is one of the prettiest little communities I’ve ever visited and it features in several of my photographs this year. The house on the hill is a prime example of those little houses, jutting out of the rock yet still part of the environment.

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