» Newfoundland » Cabot Tower

Cabot Tower

signalHill-1It’s been a while since I’ve had my camera out but I thought I should upload one photo I’ve been playing with. This one is of Cabot Tower and Signal Hill from across the narrows. It’s a bit darker than other photos I’ve uploaded lately but I preferred the dark version to the lighter one.

The reason for my absence from this blog was we finally moved into our own home. Since moving to Newfoundland we’ve been living in an apartment but at the end of last month we closed on a house and moved in. Now we’ve finally got the space to do what we want and I’ve been able to unpack my old cameras. I’d like to eventually set up a proper darkroom in the basement and get back into film but one step at a time, I’ll settle for getting an office space with a clear desk set up first.