St John’s Pano

StJohnsPano-1Here is another photo from the trip up Signal Hill. This time it’s a “proper” panoramic. Instead of cropping down a file I used my tripod and a wide angle lens to get a sweep across the view and then combined the 4 best shots into a panoramic in Photoshop Elements. I like the result and think I’ll try to do this more often, especially since my old 40D doesn’t have the pixels to crop down. I have another taken from the other side of the tower that I might post later.

On a side note we had a big blizzard last week followed by 3 or 4 days of thaw so despite the 50 cms that fell in one day we no longer have much snow. It’s gotten cold again so hopefully we’ll get some nice fresh snow and I’ll be able to get some more winter panoramics’.