50 With A 50 – Week 20

Went for a drive today hunting for icebergs around the Avalon. Came across a few and I decided that I’d take a couple of shots with the 50mm prime for my #50WithA50 project. This lens or at least how I was using it today isn’t the good for this at all. Not least because it’s so small I couldn’t fit any filters on it. Still it was a great day out and I’ve got lots of other great images which I’ll post on other forums. #icebergs

50 With A 50 – Week 19

Getting off the path again for this weeks #50WithA50 and a little deeper into the woods. People have been lighting small fires, they don’t seem like camp fires just people burning wood. Probably kids messing around. Fortunately the place is still too wet for it to be a problem and it’ll probably be too overgrown later in the summer for anyone to get in there. Still the patches of burnt wood with fresh twigs caught my eye so I decided to make it the subject of this weeks #50WithA50

50 With A 50 – Week 18

No complaining about the weather this week, it’s been lovely, but ironically I only managed to get out taking photos one day during that week. Hectic in work and at home. Still I did get one photo of a mini waterfall in a stream beside the path I walked on. I must try going off the paths a bit more, there are some beautiful little spots right by where I walk and I never noticed them before. #50WithA50.

50 With A 50 – Week 17

Another week, another blast of winter. This winter doesnt want to give up it’s grip on us. Still an ice storm does make for some pretty trees for my #50WithA50 project. In the end, like the Night King, I’ll probably miss it when its gone (yes that’s a GoT reference).

50 With A 50 – Week 16

The snow is gone almost everywhere around where I live but Winter is still putting up a bit of a rearguard action against Spring. Last week we has a morning of freezing rain and fog (also temperatures in the teens on other days). The ice covered everything but melted early so I went out to take some photos on my lunch break while there was still some mist and fog. This weeks #50WithA50 surprised me, just when I thought I’d end up using the lens for details and shallow depth of field shots I end up getting a landscape.

50 With A 50 – Week 15

It’s been a busy week so I didn’t get to go out taking photos as much as I would have liked and I didn’t get to post according to my Monday schedule. But just a day late here is this weeks submission for #50WithA50. I was back around the tunnels where I work this week and I noticed a few that looked like they hadn’t been opened for a long time. Not only are they a little rusted but the combination locks on them look like they haven’t been touched by a human hand in years. Last week I found it hard to find a photo but funnily enough I think I have one for next week already, we had freezing rain and fog this morning so I have a bunch of new photos to process.